Computer Graphics and Imaging

Cloth Simulation

Kevin Arias


In this assignment, I was able to implement a real-time three-dimensional simulation of a cloth by using a grid of point masses and springs. By strategically organizing these masses and springs and providing proper constraints, I could not only render a cloth but also through the use of Hooke’s Law and Verlet Integration, I was now able to begin to apply forces such as gravity to the cloth and simulate realistic movement. Throughout the progression of the project, I go from only being able to simulate the cloth falling or being pinned to now being able to have my cloth handle collisions with objects such as spheres and planes to even handling self-collision all by calculating correction vectors and correcting point mass positions. And now that the cloth behaves almost lifelike, I finally implemented a few shader programs that allowed me to alter the the geometric and visual properties of our previously implemented objects. Some of the shaders I was able to implement were diffuse, Blinn-Phong, texture mapping, bump and displacement mapping, and mirror shaders. To me, this project was the most fun to implement because we were now beginning to learn about realistically simulating moving objects and figures all in real time with little to no wait. I now began to fundamentally understand and appreciate some of the basics of the work and physics that happens behind the scenes to get things such as animated shorts to animate so realistically.

Part 1: Masses and Springs

In the first part of the project, I implemented an evenly spaced grid of masses all connected by certain patterns of springs. This interconnected grid of masses will be our basis from which we will be able to model our cloth and eventually help us simulate cloth animations with realistic physical behaviors. In order to build our grid of masses and springs, we need to evenly space our masses across width and height lengths of the cloth based on the provided num_width_points and num_height_points values (which means that each mass will have a distance of width/num_width_points and height/num_height_points between between them and other masses). Depending on the cloth’s orientation, we can either get the case where the cloth is horizontal and we keep the y-values consistent with an equal value of 1 or the cloth is vertical and we keep the z-values pretty consistent (we use a small random offset between -1/1000 and 1/1000). We also take note in this part whether a mass is inside the pinned vector, and if so we set the mass’s pinned boolean to true. After storing all of the point masses in the point_masses vector in row-major x-axis order, we now connect these masses using three types of spring constraints, in particular: Structural Constraints (which connects a spring between a point mass and the point mass to its left and also the point mass above it), Shearing Constraints (which connects a spring between a point mass and the point mass to its diagonal upper left and its diagonal upper right), and Bending Constraints (which connects a spring between a point mass and the point mass two away to its left and another one two above it). I also made sure to take edge cases into account and only assign these spring constraints if the conditions were met and point masses were available. Below are some images of scene/pinned2.json which shows us the cloth wireframe consisting of our point masses and springs. Each wireframe uses a distinct combination of constraints:

Wireframe With All Constraints

Wireframe With Only Shearing Constraints

Wireframe Without Any Shearing Constraints

Part 2: Simulation via Numerical Integration

In the previous part of the project, I implemented an interconnected cloth-shaped grid of point masses and springs. In this part of the project, we want to extend our grid to be able to simulate motion. In order to accomplish this, we must first calculate the total amount of force acting on each point mass. All of these forces each act upon each individual point mass and influences the physical behaviors of the point masses. In this case there are two types of forces we must take into consideration when performing our calculations: external forces (like gravity) which affect the cloth’s physical behaviors and spring correction forces which help keep the cloth together and connected by applying the spring constraints previously implemented. We calculate the total external force by using Newton’s Second Law and then apply the spring correction forces which will then allow us to compute the total force acting on each point mass connected by a spring using Hooke’s Law. We apply the magnitude of this resulting force to one of the connected point masses on the spring and apply an equal opposite force on the other connected point mass. We now have the forces acting upon each point mass, next we need to update each point mass’s positions and in order to help us do this, we use Verlet Integration. To prevent our cloth from being misshapen, we constrain the newly computed point mass positions such that the spring length can never be extended to more than ten percent than its rest length. Below are images of the cloth (one with two pinned points and the other with four pinned points) after completing their falling animation using the default parameters:

Wireframe With 2 Pinned Points

Wireframe With 4 Pinned Points

In the screenshots below, we can observe the differences between using a very high and very low spring constant ks. When we have a high ks value such as 50000, the cloth’s springs are applying a lot of force so the springs tend to have more influence on the cloth over other forces such as gravity. This is why when we look at our cloth with a high ks value, we can see that the cloth barely has any wrinkles, does not sag, and tends to look and behave a lot more stiff both when it falls and when its at its resting position. On the other hand when we use a very low ks value, we can see that the cloth has a more significant amount of wrinkles and tends to sag and droop mostly around the center so we can definitely see gravity playing more of a role here. The cloth also feels a lot less stiff when falling and overall feels a lot more loose and moves a lot more freely in comparison:


In the screenshots below, we can observe the differences between using a low density and using a high density. When we use a low density such as 1, we can see that the cloth looks and acts pretty stiffly. The cloth also does not contain many ripples and looks very smooth. We can also see that there seems to be a very slight amount of sagging near the cloth’s center between the two pinned points. Now when we use a larger density value such as 150, we can see that as the cloth falls, the cloth begins to ripple and sag. At its resting position, the cloth droops very much at the center between the two pinned points and gravity looks to be applying more force on the point masses as the cloth droops and wrinkles:


In the screenshots below, we can observe how our cloth reacts to having a low damping value. Damping values seem to have the most effect on how fast our cloth's falling simulation is and how exaggerated or stiff it acts. If we observe the sequence of images below, we can see that the cloth begins falling and right from the beginning the cloth seems to already have a rippling effect. The simulation is pretty fast and the cloth swings back and forth pretty wildly and freely. The cloth looks as if it were made from a very thin and loose material:

damping=0.057 (1)
damping=0.057 (2)

damping=0.057 (3)
damping=0.057 (4)

The following screenshots below depict the sequence of the falling cloth but now with a high damping value of around 0.954. We can see that right from the beginning of the falling animation, there barely seems to be any form of any ripples or saggy material in the cloth. The cloth looks as if it were made from a very thick and stiff material because it falls very slowly in comparison to when the damping value was low. Contrary to the case with a smaller damping value, when the cloth has a high damping value, it does not seem to swing back and forth. Once it falls to the resting position, it stays there and does not move. However, the cloth does seem to look quite similar to the resting position when we used a low damping value, which shows that damping value tends to influence more the speed at which the cloth falls and amount of movement it has:

damping=0.954 (1)
damping=0.954 (2)

damping=0.954 (3)
damping=0.954 (4)

The two screenshots below show our pinned4 cloth in its final resting state using default parameters and two different viewing angles:

pinned4 Final Resting State Angle 1
pinned4 Final Resting State Angle 2

Part 3: Handling Collisions With Other Objects

Now that we have been able to successfully simulate motion for our cloth, we must now be able to fully implement handling collisions with objects, more specifically for this part of the project we must concentrate on handling collisions with spheres and with planes. When attempting to handle collisions with spheres we must first determine whether or not the point mass’s position intersects or is inside the sphere. If so, then we theoretically “bump up” the point so that rather than being inside the sphere, it is now above the surface of the sphere. In order to do this, we calculate the position where the point mass should have intersected the sphere, use this value to help us compute the correction vector from the last position, adjust the last position by this correction vector and scale down by the friction. The process for handling collisions with planes is pretty similar to that of spheres. In the case of planes however, we check whether a point mass’s position has crossed over from one side of the plane to the other in between time steps. If this happens, then we “bump up” the point to the original side of the surface. The process for doing so is pretty similar to that of a sphere but the difference being that we use a small displacement SURFACE_OFFSET. So similarly to that of the sphere, we compute the position where the point mass should have intersected the plane, calculate the correction vector, and use the correction vector to adjust the point mass’s last position and scale down by the friction and adjust our position by our small displacement SURFACE_OFFSET.

Below are some screenshots of the cloth in its final resting state on the sphere using increasing ks values. Let us observe the differences between the images. When we use the lowest of the three ks values (ks = 500), we can see that the cloth seems to look as if it were made from a very thin material and it falls more loosely and freely. The cloth has many folds and seems to drape down the sphere more freely. Now when we increase our ks value to a higher value such as having ks = 5000, we can see that the cloth does not seem to drape or sag as much as when the cloth had a ks value of 500. The cloth still has some folds and creases but it looks as if it were made from a slightly thicker material making the cloth look a little bit stiffer. Now when we use the highest of the three ks values (ks=50000), we can see a huge difference in the cloth's physical behaviours. The cloth looks as if it were made up of a very thick material thus making the cloth appear to be very stiff. Out of all of the images, this cloth seems to be the one with the least amount of creases and folds but the folds here look very defined and are very large. In comparison to the other images, this cloth has the least amount of sagging or draping properties:



Below are two screenshots of the cloth lying peacefully at rest on the plane. Each image uses a different shader, one uses the diffuse shader and the other uses the normal shader:


Part 4: Handling Self-Collisions

Up to this point in the project, we have been able to successfully have our cloth handle collisions with objects such as spheres and planes. If we were to have our cloth fall on itself, the cloth would basically just clip right through itself unnaturally as opposed to the realistic physical properties of real cloths that would fold upon themselves when falling. In order to fix this issue, in this part of the project we implement handling self-collisions. In this implementation I use spatial hashing. In spatial hashing, we first begin by taking a point mass’s position and mapping it to its closest 3D box within a 3D space of many boxes. Using these coordinates, we calculate a unique number that represents these coordinates (we are essentially hashing the coordinates) and use this calculated key later on for our hash map. We then fill in our spatial map (which acts as a hash table) with all of the point masses. We then check each point mass and compare its distance with other point masses in its 3D box inside the hash table. If the distance between each pair of point masses is within 2*thickness distance apart, we calculate and apply a correction vector to the original point mass in order to prevent a collision so that now the point masses always maintain a distance of 2*thickness apart from one another.

Below are a sequence of four ordered screenshots using default parameters that show the process of how the cloth falls and folds itself starting from an early point in the self collision process and ending with the cloth in a more restful state:

Self-Collision 1
Self-Collision 2

Self-Collision 3
Self-Collision 4

Now that the cloth is able to handle self-collisions, let us observe the cloth's differences in behavior when we vary the ks and density values. First let us look at when we let our cloth fall with a low ks value (in this case I use a ks value of 1000). Once the cloth begins to fall, it starts to fold and crease very easily. The cloth looks as if it were made of a very thin material and if I had to compare the cloth to an everyday object, I would compare it to a very thin tissue. Since the ks value is small, the spring forces seem to be less influential on the cloth when compared to the force of gravity:

ks=1000 (1)
ks=1000 (2)

ks=1000 (3)

Now when we increase the ks value of our cloth to ks = 100000, we can see a huge difference in the cloth's behaviors. Now our cloth seems to look and act a lot more stiff and thick. If I were to compare the cloth to an everyday object, I would compare it to construction paper. The cloth falls very slowly and creates large folds as it falls. Contrary to the cloth when it had a ks value of 1000, once the cloth completes the falling animation, it unfolds a lot easier because it has a lot less folds in comparison and its folds are more big:

ks=100000 (1)
ks=100000 (2)

ks=100000 (3)

Now lets vary the cloth's density values and observe the differences of the cloth's behaviors. When we use a small value for density (in the below case I use a density value of 1), the cloth can be seen to have very large folds, falls pretty slowly, and looks like it is made of a thick and stiff material. When the cloth has a low density value, it seems to physically act very similarly to when our cloth used a very large ks value:

density = 1 (1)
density = 1 (2)

density = 1 (3)

Now when we use a higher density value such as when density = 50, the cloth begins to exhibit different behaviors. The cloth now falls a little more quickly and when it does fall, it has a significant more amount folds and creases much more easily. The cloth looks as if it were made of a very thin and flimsy material. When the cloth has a high density value, it seems to physically act very similarly to when the cloth uses a small ks value:

density=50 (1)
density=50 (2)

density=50 (3)

Part 5: Shaders

In this part of the project, I began to familiarize myself with shaders and was able to implement a few GLSL shader programs that produced different visual results in objects created previously throughout the project. In previous projects, all of our raytracing computation was done on CPU which resulted in single frames taking anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours to fully render depending on the scene and number of rays and samples needed to be taken into consideration. What a shader allows us to do is rather than relying on the CPU, a shader takes advantage of the parallel running power of the GPU to be able to render these objects in real-time and allow fast user interaction. By using the GPU, we can drastically speed up the process of rendering objects when mathematically applying our given inputs to adjust the geometric properties and color of our objects. In this project, we use two OpenGL shader types: vertex shaders and fragment shaders. What vertex shaders allow us to do is that we can reshape and adjust attributes of our objects such as their positions and normal vectors through performing geometric transforms of vertices found in our input of our objects.The output of these types of shaders are positions. Fragment shaders receive as input these adjusted geometric values from the vertex shader and mathematically output a color for the given fragment. Together, vertex and fragment shaders work together to help render objects with various shading techniques, each with their own different geometric and visual properties and proper color designation for efficient, life-like image rendering.

The Blinn-Phong shading model combines various types of lighting to be able to create a more realistic lighting effect on our objects. Blinn-Phong not only takes into consideration diffuse lighting but also adds in ambient lighting and specular lighting. Ambient lighting refers to the amount of illumination that does not come directly from a light source whereas the specular lighting refers to the reflected light which allows us to have a more “glossy” visual effect to our objects. The total lighting used in the Blinn-Phong shading model can be calculated through the use of the following equation:

Blinn-Phong Shading Equation

Diffuse, ambient, and specular lighting together allow us to achieve lifelike and realistic lighting shading through the Blinn-Phong shading model. Below are some screenshots of each of the lighting components that help hake up the Blinn-Phong shading model:

Blinn-Phong Outputting Only Ambient Light

Blinn-Phong Outputting Only Specular Light

Blinn-Phong Outputting Only Diffuse Light

Entire Blinn-Phong Model

Below are two screenshots of my texture mapping shader on the sphere and on the cloth. The texture I used was a custom texture of the floor at the bottom of a pool:

Custom Water Texture For Sphere
Custom Water Texture For Cloth

We now begin to implement Bump and Displacement Mapping. Bump mapping allows our objects to look as though it has detailed surfaces such as having bumps or even looking as if it were made of brick, and this is achieved by modifying the normal vectors of the object. Our main goal here is to calculate a displaced model space normal and the approach in order to calculate this normal value is by performing our calculations in object space and later transforming them back to model space. By using the height scaling factor, normal scaling factor, and our function that calculates the height encoded by our height map, we can calculate the small changes in u and v and observe how the height changes as a result as follows:

Using these values we calculate our local space normal as (-dU, -dV, 1) and transform it back into model space by multiplying by the tangent-bitangent-normal (TBN) matrix: n=TBN*(local space normal). Then this will be the normal value we use to replace the previous normal value in our Blinn-Phong shading in order to give the objects the illusion of detail (I decided to use the Blinn-Phong shading model in this case). The approach to displacement mapping could be quite similar to that of bump mapping but the two types of mapping differ in that in displacement mapping, we also modify the positions of the vertices based on the height map on top of already modifying the normal vectors of the object as seen previously in bump mapping. We modify the vertex positions by using our height map function and our height scaling factor, and calculate our displaced vertex position by using the following provided formula:

Displacement mapping allows the objects to maintain the texture but in addition also allows us to see how various heights of the texture affect the object. Below are a few screenshots of bump mapping and displacement mapping on both the sphere and the cloth. For all screenshots I used the same texture: texture_3 which appears to be bricks. In the screenshots we can see the differences between displacement and bump mapping. If we look at the bump mapping on the sphere and on the cloth, we can clearly see the brick pattern on the surface. If we look closely at where the light hits the objects, we can even see the detailing in the scrapes, holes, and uneven parts of the bricks. Now when we look at our sphere and cloth in displacement mapping, we can see a pretty big change in geometry. The surface of the objects seem to be less smooth and more jagged and uneven. Although this is happening on the surface, we can still see our brick texture in both our sphere and cloth. The reason for the jagged surface occurs because of the modifications to our vertex positions when we calculated our displaced vertex position based on the height map. We can observe these changes in the screenshots below:

Bump Mapping on Sphere
Bump Mapping on Cloth

Displacement Mapping on Sphere
Displacement Mapping on Cloth

Below there are four screenshots that compare our two shaders (bump and displacement mapping) on our sphere with different values used for the sphere mesh's coarseness. In the first two images we use a vertical and horizontal resolution value of 16 and in the latter images we use a vertical and horizontal resolution value of 128. When comparing the two bump mapping shaders on the sphere, there does not seem to be any major differences between the two spheres when changing the vertical and horizontal resolution values. The main difference is that the sphere with a resolution value of 128 seems to be slightly lighter than that of the sphere using a resolution value of 16. The main takeaway from this is that the resolution value, seemed to have very little effect in bump mapping. However when we compare the two spheres using displacement mapping, we can see a noticeable difference between their geometric features. The sphere using displacement mapping with a resolution value of 16, seems to have have a smaller amount in variation between changes in height and also the changes in heights throughout the sphere seem to progress a lot more smoothly and slow. Now when we look at the sphere using displacement mapping with a resolution value of 128, we can notice that the changes in height throughout the sphere seem to be much more frequent and height seems to change quickly rather than gradually and slowly. There seems to be a high amount of contrast between heights in the sphere and the surface of the sphere has a lot sharper and more defined bumps and an overall more rough, dense, and rich surface. We can see these differences in the screenshots below:

Bump Mapping on Sphere using -o 16 -a 16
Displacement Mapping on Sphere using -o 16 -a 16

Bump Mapping on Sphere using -o 128 -a 128
Displacement Mapping on Sphere using -o 128 -a 128

Below are a few screenshots of my mirror shader on the sphere, the cloth, and the pinned cloth:

Mirror Shader on Sphere
Mirror Shader on Cloth

Mirror Shader on Pinned Cloth